Eynon, PA               570-483-3600 ext. 602

Quakertown, PA     267-448-4902

Revolutionary Education Center logo

Eynon                          570-483-3600 ext.602

Quakertown,PA          267-448-4902

Revolutionary Education Center logo

Nursing Assistant Program

Year-Round Classes | State-of-the-Art Lab | RN Educators

Year-Round Classes

State-of-the-Art Lab

RN Educators

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We Believe That Education Empowers People

Revolutionary Education Center calls upon students to seek their full potential and invites all to engage in a lifelong process of learning.

Now Enrolling

Our team is excited to help you take your first step towards enrollment. With rolling admission windows, we can get you started in our program within weeks of your admission with the cohort that best fits your schedule. Typical start times for our nursing assistant program are generally the first week of the month.

Our Philosophy

Rooted in preparing our students for a rewarding career in healthcare, our courses are exactly what you need to enter the workforce.

Vision Statement - Enriching Lives Through Education

Get The Details

Here's what our satisfied students are saying...

Why Choose Revolutionary Education Center?

Rolling admissions with classes offered monthly

Spacious classrooms and state-of-the art skills lab

Locally owned and operated

Affordable tuition

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